Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How to become un-cynical?

Many people are selfish, greedy and either do not consider how their actions affect others or know that their actions are hurtful and inflict harm. I don't think this has anything to do with corporations and big business has little to do with the educational system in America. Most people do not work for large corporations but the people you have met are everywhere, including schools, corporations, and so on. I hope you have not wasted 15 years of your life and that you can reflect on what skills you learned in school that you can apply to a job and a career. Unless you are an accountant, business major, an architect or in some other professional degree school, few undergraduate majors "set you up" for a big corporate job. If nothing comes to mind, then you need to set your sights on a job that you enjoy doing and that has some long term prospects. The reality is, people need to work both to support themselves and to give value to their lives. Doing nothing does not add value, it takes away time. Many people complain about "ignorant corporate drones and consumers" but I would ask how can they be better and how could I be more like the person I would like everyone to be. Find what you like and everything else will follow. Follow a path that others think you should take and you will go nowhere.

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