Thursday, August 11, 2011

Unkown collection agency tries to charge my card?

early yesterday morning an a company called "I-collect" tried to charge 550$ to my card. My freshman year of college I gave some information to some payday loan companies but was declined, however I still recieve haring calls from these Indian people claiming to be federal agents and threatening arrest. This is not usually a problem because its clearly a scam and i enjoy wasting their time, but I've never had anyone attempt charging my card. The lady from visa fraud prevention told me the company was called "i-collect" and gave me the number 888 328 5386. After doing some research I learned this company MAY be osciated with some of the Ted Ellis Crosby companies. The problem is that the number is discontinued or something and I have no way of contacting them to figure out what the deal is. Does anyone have any information on "I-collect"? or had a similar experience?

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