Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What exactly is the DEP?

It is just a place they put you to remind you that you have agreed to go to boot camp. You can still quit, they just don't want you to think you can. The DEP keeps you connected to them while you are waiting, so you don't change your mind. In the Marine Corps it has an added function of getting you into intial shape so that you can ship to boot camp.

I always wanted a baby girl till i got pregnant, now i'm wishing its a boy?

is it bad to feel this way. i just feel that females go through so much pain through life with periods, pregnancy, child birth, menopause and the social injustice against women. i never thought of these things before. am i being unreasonable. i know i'll love the baby girl all the same if i have one but just hoping its a baby boy. i'll probably find out in 3 weeks.

Please help with stoichiometry questions, with limiting and excess reagents and also percentage yield!!!!?

Ok the 60.8 theortical is what your supposed to get from that yield. The experimental is what your got from actually doing the experiment.

Told my stepmother her and dads baby would be posion now i feel bad?

Hey ok look im 15 . About 10 years ago my mom left my dad for someone else, at the time i didnt understand i was told by my dad 'my mom didnt love us anymore'.I hated the fact of how my dad was in pain for so long after it and was not himself ,after a few years we began having great fun,football games cards everything!!...................when i was ten then my Dad brought home a woman he liked ,when i saw a new woman coming in i thought pure danger,i loved a mans life with my dad and with her coming in i thought she would ruin it as she was a lot younger than my dad,I couldnt let her get in the way and ruin my bond with dad!!!.....i then began 'Battle' tryed to get dad to end it tryed to act sarcatic to get rid of her i did everything to make her hate us i tryed for two years but i could see dad like her and he said he made her happy,it crushed me.I then told my dad how i felt but all he said was he hasnt been so happy in years and he really loved her and blah blah blah!!............They got maried last year to my distaste and made a baby together, the baby is born now its 2 weeks old and its a girl,about a month ago i told my stepmother the baby she was expecting would be pure poison because its from her.The baby is born now and i feel bad for what i said,dad was mad too,but it really annoyed me because i wanted to go to football game dad promise last year he would take me its about 5 hours away in a city this team only play here once every year.he wouldnt take me incase she would go into labour and he wasnt there WHICH WAS STUPID ,because she wasnt due for another 2 weeks!,i got so mad i took all my anger out at my step mom and told her everything i felt about her.I just don't want a woman in the house since my mom to be honest!! but now i see her kid and i feel bad for calling it poison and shouting at my dads wife .how do i say sorrry,im not doing it for her, im doing it for dad mostly ?shes been ignoring me since i said all the mean things to her.

Can my laptop run Sims 3? Acer Aspire 7540-5750?

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! my cousins shitty laptop runs have a laptop that can run MW2, Fallout 3, any pc game with EASE...beast computer man...

Alternative training methods for 'counter cruisers'?

I have a Husky/Chow mix who's a 'counter cruiser'. I'm currently working with a trainer, and have been for over 8 weeks, but the problem is still strong. (Although he's made great improvement in other areas). We've tried using soda can's filled with pennies or pebbles, we've tried using small mouse traps, we've tried about 4 different brands of deterrent spray, (all under the guidance of the trainer). It doesn't stop him, in fact, I get the impression he considers them all a game. He doesn't counter cruise for just food either, (which I make sure not to leave out), he'll grab just about anything, then run outside with it trying to get us to chase him. (which I don't, to keep from encouraging the behavior, I simply wait for him to come close then grab him and take the item from his mouth). He gets a 45 to 60 minute walk in the mornings, and he spends an hour at the dog park twice a week. Anyone know of any alternative training methods I might try to deter this behavior? He's an otherwise good dog.

Anyone clued up on bangkok hotels?? choice of Inperial Tara, Sukhumit Sol and Century Park, Ratchaprapop rd?

It seems that Imperial Tara is closer to things going on but more of businessman hotel whereas Century Park is further away but more suited to tourists, can't make up our minds, only there two nights.

In the reaction: C2H5OH + 3O2 → 2CO2 + 3H2O (C2H5OH = ethanol). How many grams of carbon dioxide are produced

In the reaction: C2H5OH + 3O2 → 2CO2 + 3H2O (C2H5OH = ethanol). How many grams of carbon dioxide are produced when 92 g of ethanol react?

Going on 2 months pregnant, and having morning sickness already?

hey guys! all those time i was right i am prego!! but yeah :(i dont want no abortion.... so now i want to know now............. i got up like yesterday morning and was feeling so dizzy. upset stomach, headache, and i had to run to the toilet to throw up.... and i was like omg? is this so pose to be happening already, and i does feel so sad for no reason sometimes, always crying, and my got so tender like omg! having all this experience making me feel like waw this is alot to deal with, but i told the father toi show him the test............... we friends to.......... he just watch with his mouth open and came next to me and start touching my belly and was like waw don't kill his baby i just started to cry...OK(GETTING TO PERSONAL)but he don't bother with me really like he there but he like he shock cause he said he never break in me....hmmmm i just wonder..... but what can i do for my morning sickness this is because i does feel so bad in the morning or when i smell something i dont like... all of a sudden now, i can't stand smelling my mom cooking chicken ew! it does upset me and make me throw up one time :(...and am so scared i dont know what to expect...but yeah hope the best

I really need some help please??!!?

I'm having a real problem right and my boyfriend broke up again and he tells me that he no longer cares about me anymore and that i don't mean nothin to him. I keep trying to show him my tru feelings for him and he keeps shuttin me down..says im a little girl cause i always cry when i'm hurt and the thing of it is that i had cared for all of my ex's when i was with them and they never showed that to me and now i feel like i'm a bad person..what should i do? he wants me to get over him and i just cant cause its almost been a year since we been together and i loved him with all my heart and now i feel so empty..What should I do? will he ever come back to me?

What is the best trade in NHL History?

in my opinion it was Kris Dr to Detroit and going to Winnipeg was $1. in value that was the best now he is making a million times more money then he was traded for.

Geological-cross section and strike-slip fault.?

If it is a strike-slip fault you can show the relative lateral movement of each side of the fault using arrows,

How do you stop online timers?

Websites that have timers, clocks, etc, that time how long you do something or countdown and limit your time to do something. How do you stop them? Edit cookies? Delete cookies? Stop the system clock? Please help.

Questions from a first time visitor to Kuwait?

yeah its safe dont worry, I am from Jordan so i dont know much about Kuwait but i know it got LOTS of money and its super HOT lol

Has anyone out there taught their baby two languages?

We're teaching my 19 month old daughter english and hindi. She gets plenty of english exposure, but I'm wondering if she gets enough hindi. Only her father speaks it. He teaches her little phrases, she knows eyes, nose, blink, ceiling, come here, boo, aunt, and give me. She watches a few hindi songs for kids on youtube. That's it. Is that going to be sufficient to learn a second language? What have you all done to reinforce your child's second language?

What is the best real Ginger Ale made with real ginger?

I like Vernors etc, but I am looking for a traditional Ginger ale or beer with a strong ginger taste. I suffer from a lot of stomach problems and good ginger ale helps. Boo-hoo!

I might be on Oprah! What are good questions to ask Steve Harvey about men and their behavior toward girls?

well we might cheat,lie but we r kinda cool well some us u should say why do men always say thing and never do it

Trade or Drop Wide recievers Ocho Cinco, Braylen Edwards?

I play in a league with 1qb, 2rb, 2wr, 1te, 1k, and 1def. My starting line up thus far is Tony Romo, Matt Forte, Joseph Addai, Chris Chambers, Gregg Jennings, S. Gartosaki (sp?), and ravens defense. My question is I have had Braylen Edwards and Ocho Cinco on the bench since week 2. Are these guys going to come out and produce or should I be looking else where for 2 new wide outs trade or free angency. I also traded away Willis McGehee and A. Rodgers for Matt Forte and Matt Cel. Which I think was a good trade since Rodgers got hurt yesterday. My bench running backs are Chris Perry and Chris Henry. Please, any help is appriciated!

Is it fair to disregard every fundie-like Y!A user as a poe ...?

... Even if they're actually for real? 'Cause I hardly think fundies deserve answers these days. They troll the same stuff too much even if they're not trying to troll.

Bad History teacher.?

I am currently in 9th grade (Freshman year) and the 3rd 9 weeks just started this week. I have a seriously bad teacher. All he basically does is write down notes, make us copy it, then that's the whole period. I don't learn by doing that and same with over half of my other cl. I first got a B (I think around 85%) in the cl, then the 2nd 9 weeks I got a C- (71%). That's the worse I've ever done in a History cl too. Anyways, we just recently had our Midterms/Finals and I got a 55% on it! That's ridiculous. I have gotten the worst grades I've ever seen in my life from him, in just half the year! Other then screwing up my entire schedule for school, what can I possibly do to do better?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Scarlet Johanson in london?

Does anybody know if Scarlet Johanson is goin to b at the gucci store near bond street in London next friday??

Why are there so many ignorant, uncaring people in this world?

Every time I get on the internet, or venture out into the world, it seems like human beings in general are very inconsiderate and/or ignorant. Sorry to be so cynical but sometimes it just seems like society is getting worse and worse by the day. Whether it's some maniac who cuts people off on the highway, a child who has no respect for his parents, or even someone on Yahoo Answers/YouTube who doesn't have the decency to write a cohesive statement or better yet, responds with an unintelligent argument, it all seems like it's going downhill. Are there any other people out there who feel similar or is it just me? And will people ever get better? I blame the parents lol.

Anyone tested at 9dpo and got a bfp?im anxious this month for some reason...!?

I did. It was SUPER faint. When I went to my local obgyn later that day they told me it was too light to be a positive. I called my other dr and they ordered a blood test and sure enough I was pregnant! It can happen. Good luck!

Voltage death Physics question?

A human being can be electrocuted if a current as small as 46 mA pes near the heart. An electrician working with sweaty hands makes good contact with the two conductors he is holding. If his resistance is 2400 Ω, what might the fatal voltage in volts be?

Would you be mad if your parents named you after a tv character?

My first name is zach and my middle name is morris thats makes me zach morris like that guy off of "saved by the bell" WTF!!! I was born when that show was popular, never made the connection until about six months ago, would you be pissed.

Halloween costumes for a trio of girls?

we are all 10-13 years old and want to know ideas for Halloween costumes where we can be alike and not leave anyone out.

Low levels carbon monoxide?

The boiler at work has been condemned as it is leaking low levels of carbon monoxide, the gasman hasnt turned the boiler but we are getting a new one. I have recently been getting headaches, lightheadness and generally feeling crap. I have umed that if the boiler was responsible the gas would've been cut but what kind of exposure would be needed to make them do this?

Traveling to Mayan Riviera next week and had 2 questions...?

I wouldn't bother to exchange the money...very little difference. Yes, they could use those items and would appreciate your gifts.

Who can tell me what this song by the RHCP is about?

If anyone has heard their new album called Stadium Arcadium, there's a song called "Slow Cheetah" that is one of their best ballads, right up there with "Under The Bridge" and "Soul To Squeeze". Trying to figure out what it's about.

Can the atmospheric conditions that has increased in tornado activity be explained?

I suspect it's because we have better satellite coverage and better weather forecasting along with a marked increase in population. Every little hiccup in the atmosphere is reported ad nauseum on The Weather Channel.

What Blackberry/PDA has the capability to hold TWO sim cards?

I am looking to get my father a blackberry or PDA that can use two sim cards, so he can use it in two countries? Which have these capabilities?

I have looked online and have not found any christmas afghans to crochet that were nice can anyone help me?

I just did a simple red and white striped one kind of a candy cane look. Goes with my and nice pillows.

A spring soccer league a christian school can get in to in Texas?

I go to a Christian school in Texas. We don't have spring soccer but we would have a great team if we did and we are looking for a way to have that team! We are currently in TAPPS (Texas ociation of Private and Parochial Schools) for Athletics but they do not have spring soccer. We have looked at T-CAL (Texas Christian Athletic League) and I don't think they have spring soccer but I could be wrong. Is there any other ociation we could probably get in to? Like Home school? Any ideas will help! Thanks! :)

I want to win a wrestling match ! help !?

today I had my 1st wrestling match , EVER. 1st year. and I got pinned in the 2nd period . I rolled a Peterson too far. any advice or encouragement? I have another one Tuesday against one of the best school. thanks!

How crap was the expendables?

what a waste of an awesome cast. instead of trying to make it a pure action movie they could have parodied all the casts previous roles and made a right good comedy/action movie. AGREE/DISAGREE? the only part in the entire movie i found entertaining was when bruce willis said (refering to big arnie) "whats his problem" and stallone replys "dunno think he wants to be president or something" lol

FAMOUS ACTIVIST doesnt matter what type?

Mother can find all sorts of info on her. Audrey Hepburn spent the remainder of her life battling hunger and poverty in Africa. Jane Goodall was an activist and scientist for the health and wellfare of the chimpanzes and gorillas.

Atheists: You are the sum of your thoughts. What is the sum of all-knowledge?

The sum of all-knowledge is knowing when to quit trolling with that tired "all-knowledge" bit.

Who has an easier life-men or women?

I know individually we all have difficulties but in the main i believe women because since the advent of womens lib, men are basically blamed for everything and taught that their natural urges are wrong and basically accused of if looking at a girl or considered a cavemen because they fight somone who has disrespected them. This has resulted in a feminsation of men and also they are now 5 times as likely to commit suicide than women. Women in the western world now have equal rights and are basically worshipped and protected by men and given a lot more praise in general with only periods and pregnancy to really counter this.

Do you know who Judy Garland is? If you do, tell be what you know about her.?

I am not using this for a project for school. I am a big fan of Garland, who is an old actress/ singer.

Why are the African -Americas hate voting for the Repo?

I'm an African-American i want to know if voting for the Demo is part of our culture. This is why:Bill Clinton 90% of the blacks vote then John Kerry 80% now Barack Obama 90% this record make it very clear that we always vote the Librals but why? Is my first time of voting and i like Mac Cain

Confused.Unwanted.Non Social.Confused.?

Hello - looks like you're in a bad place right now. No simple answer to address your message, but would recommend finding a counselor to talk to. You've got a lot to get off your chest and would really benefit from some talking therapy. Good luck and hope things look brighter soon.

American Idol is over?

I think once Simon leaves I think it will be over. Randy can't handle by himself and without the originals Simon and Paula its over who agrees?

If u wanna be a UFC fighter what martial arts do u need to know?

im a 14 year old guy, and i study karate and practice kickboxing. i wanna become a UFC fighter, but im unsure what martial arts i need to know. can u tell me please? Thanks!

FELLOW ATHEISTS: Have you seen Bruno (Sasha Baron Cohen)'s interview at a Christian Rock festival :)?

Yeah, I've seen it. It's pretty disturbing that there's people like that (the Christian weirdos). Bruno is one of the funniest satirical characters I've ever seen.

Nascar fabric for blanket?

I would like to make a tie fleece blanket for my boyfriend for valentines day. I wanted to do one side his favorite nascar driver and the other side plain. My only problem is i have been to Joanne fabrics and walmart and none of them have any nascar fabrics.I dont know where else to look for it at and It HAS to be nascar fabric he eats sleeps and breaths racing as he is a racer himself so if anybody can tell me where else i can look or where they do sell nascar fabric i would greatly appreciate it!

Monday, August 15, 2011

White student union?

At my high school i have started the White student union and my club has been labeled racist we havent even held a meeting yet, but no one at my school lables the Black student union or Latino SU but just because we have White pride were racist wheres the fairness in thta?

Do Good/Genuine People Exists?

If you are a nice guy because you just like to be that's great. If you are a nice guy with expectations of others, you are bound to be disappointed. There is a fine line between being nice and being a fool.

Is it true that when u lose your....?

When you are still a virgin and u have for the first time is it true that it is extremely painfull???

Westerners: When you see a Muslim,is your first thought terrorism or peace?

I am very wary of Muslims now,rightly or wrongly,I am.If I am on the Tube and a Bearded chap with a rucksack gets on,I want to get off.

Bad ich problems. What can i do?

My friends mom had a fish tank in her cl room until the janitor tore it down over the summer. She gave my a bunch of stuff like baby gr a couple of rocks, and a baby net. she said that at the time she didn't have any problems with ich or anything else, so i gladly took the offers. When I got home i rinsed everything off in cold water, but that was pretty much it. about a week later Ich shows up. On another post i read to take out all the gravel and ornaments and treat the water that way. I did treat with a product called cure- ick and another called aquari- sol. Both products are older, and also from the stuff that Tami gave me. Can these products go bad? also the cure- ick is a blu liquid and all it says to do 10 drops per gallon it does not say how often. The Aquari- sol says 12 drops to 10 gallons once a week to prevent disease. for treatment raise water to 85 degrees. I've read that warm water will multiply the ich quicker. Another problem with raising the temp is that my heater is automaticly set so i can't fluctuate the temp of the tank. My mom told me to wash everything in scorching water and that should kill the stuff that i took out of the tank. Will that really work? I really need help.

Does anybody know a banquet hall thet is not expe3nsive ?

im gonna have a 15 party n im lookin for a place thet is not expensive i want 2 rent it from 6 to 12 or 1 if its possible its gonna b untill june 19 of 2009 it would b nice if it was a place outside 2 could sumbuddy help out please

How to forget about her...?

I'm really sorry, Charlie :( I know how you feel, but basically the only thing I can think of to say is try to distract yourself. Go hang out with friends and try to have a good time. It'll take a long time, but you'll start to feel better in a few months. You'll never forget her, but the pain will lessen with time. I don't know of any other ways to cope with it. Good luck, dude.

R u ready for some football??

Every one that watches football or is reading this, what is ur nfl east or west team? And who do u think has a real good chance at winning the superbowl??? My other question is where do the nfl players use the restroom during game time??????

Fantasy Football: Addai for Edge, Winslow, and Chicago's D?

You have to look at who else you have to drop as well.. even though U are only giving him 1 player.. you still ahve to drop 2 more to make room... and I don't see that being feasable... keep Addai... Edge is Old and Winslow and Chic Def is not that valuable... BS trade... I hate these kind of trades


Yes and the reason for this is that when you become ill, your threshhold for seizures is lowered and it is possible that you could have a seizure just because you are ill. The shot would help prevent you from becoming very ill. You could still get a mild illness without worrying about how very sick you could become because you have that protection (the shot).

Would you consider "The Curious Case of Benjamin on" a short book?

I've never read it but I heard that it's a short story. From that I would guess that it is no more than 50 pages. Have fun!

My sister's husband keeps putting up with all her infidelity?

I've known men like this. They are not worth your concern. They want to be in that position. It isn't love. It's because they feel they are worthless without this person who abuses them. Heck, even Lonestar has a pretty snappy song about losers like this, so it's not rare.

Will the Natwest workers who gave a 100% mortgage to a failed asylum seeker be investigated for fraud?

lol...Well they should be made to cancel the debt after all it was their own stupid fault for giving an asylum seeker a loan. You dont say they tried to decieve the bank. Im not sure about fraud, but as an asylum seeker they are only entitled to certain benefits and are not allowed to work as far as im aware, so really the bank should have known better, its just blatant greed.

Do Christians get excited about Christmas coming because Jesus will be born soon?

Is there level of anticipation or excitement waiting for the birth? Does it wear off as you get older?

How to reduce weight???

well go out and do something like hike or play some sport, or just go for a jog, that'll help a lot.

Quick question about the Scarlet Letter ?

How does Dommesdale feel about his role as the much respected minister in the community & why doesnt he thrive amist the people that admire him

Fantasy Trade-rephrased?

Use one of the QBs as trade bait. You can do probably do better than Buckhalter or Jackson. They have value when Westbrook and Lynch are out, but don't do much otherwise. I'd rather have someone that gets more regular playing time.

I got into an accident and wrote down the persons insurance info but left out the company name what do i do?

so i got into a small accident i pulled out on a right turn the person didnt stop and we colided my drivers side front it kinda pushed in and the paint is comming off and some of my paint is on their car we exchanged insurance info but i forgot to write down the insurance companys name what do i do? oh and we didnt call the cops for an incident report

Is it o to bring a gf or boyfriend to a special occasion conerning your kids?

well me and my ex have been broken up for 7 months. he has another girlfriend who he lives wit and we have a 6 month old son together. our son's baptisim is in 2 weeks and i told him that i dont want here there and i dont see da need for her to be there. I think its a disrespect towards me and its a very uncomfortable situation because i dont like her and everytime i see them together it hurts very much. he says she is going cause thats his girl and there is nothing wrong wit her being there.. id like to kno wat people think i dont think she should be there am i being childdish or or am i right. She is not his mother and done see the why she has to be there just the thought of it stresses me out and has caused another arguement between please help me.. If she goes im takin her out or im walkin out

What is the episode of Naturally Sadie called where Sadie has a crush on her substitute teacher?

I really need to know, because I think the teacher has the same last name as me, and it's bugging the hell out of me because I can't remember. Or better yet, what IS the sub's name?

Best/Favorite role-playing shooting game?

Something that is like Bad Company 2, Brink, Team Fortress 2, Conker Live and Reloaded (Borderlands not really). Role-playing as in choosing a cl like a soldier, medic, engineer, etc.

Did anyone get to see Kriss Kristofferson on his tour?

I went and actually got to shake his hand, I have to say the memory will never leave me still on cloud nine, going to see Willie Nelson in may too, the last remaining highwaymen, last time I saw him I got to meet him and have a photo, such a lovely man, so just hi to all who enjoy their music, best wishes Ann.

Poll: Who are your top 3 favorite bands or artists?

Top 3 are 1 kesha 2britney 3eminem but truthfully I like a lot otherss. I'm listening to cat dols right now lol( pandora)

Question for linguists - Long O vowel sound in RP or Southern English accents?

This is why I have always maintained that Lancashire is the only place in the world where English is spoken and pronounced properly.

Sprained foot + dance cl? eep?

I have had many dance related injures and can totally relate you should try to dance but if it hurts to much stop you don`t want to injure it farther. Sit out on some cles and write out your dance for extra practice or go over the dance in your head. Ice it for 15 min then let it sit for 15 then hot water for 15 again for awhile and that should work see a doctor if you think its something serious. And the rest is all natural i would recoded advil for the pain but not before you dance because it will numb the pain and you won`t know when to stop dancing because it won`t hurt so yeah the rest must be natural.

In The great gatsby what events show social cl differences?

What events in The Great Gatsby futhered the developement of the differences between the social cles and how society viewed theses groups?

So what brain dead made the decision not to?

salt/grit the roads in the Capitol London was shut down.Boris you need a kick up the backside.Chef Exs of Local Authorities hang your heads in shame.Was it because it was Sunday night and double time or did the ELF & Safety poke their noses in again.The World laughs at us.

Did the Catholic religion write the Quran? And was Mohammed married to a nine year old little girl, really?

A friend of mine is muslim and said that Mohamed was married to a nine year old little girl, and his religion doesn't share this fact, with the west because of fear of western law's and customs. He also said that a Catholic, gave him a catholic nun to teach him of the writings of the Quran, and used him to it create and spread hatred against the Jews, who didn't except Ishmael's claim of joint heir ship with Isaac, to Abraham's and his blessing.

Why are women so indirect?

okay, for the first time I will talk for myself, since it's the only way I can answer this question. I am very frank to the point that I made a man cry. there you go. so I don't agree with women, or anyone for that matter, who go through lengthy actions just to say no or whatever.

So what if he is Bengali?

yeah if you haven't noticed gulf arabs have a thing against pakistanis and southasians. especially in dubai you should see what the locals do to indians and the abuse servants take from their local masters. see here a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a about how one princess beats her maids

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Will I lose weight like this?

You really should have some protein in your diet, such as soy or legumes, and plenty of vitamin c. For that I recommend green peppers. Hollow the core, get rid of the seeds, and cut the rest into strips to eat. It's only about 30-40 cal and contains over 200% DV of Vitamin C.

Isn't my snowboarding outfit cute? :) opinions?

It's a little too much for me. Pink pants with a yellow and blue jacket is a little to...retro...for me.

Homework help plz!!??

There are two sites below. The first site is his biography and the second site gives his political opinions.

Are trolls the most oppressed minority group in today's society?

lol....everyone has subdivided into groups that make them a "minority". Now, everyone's a victim. So no as a troll you're no more special than any one else.

Everytime I write, I feel the need to find the exact 'right' word?

You need to tell your inner editor to shut up and terrorize someone else. If that doesn't work, (and it usually doesn't) then cover up your computer screen so you can't see what you're writing. The first draft's allowed to...well, bluntly speaking, suck. You can always go back after it's written to fit in those perfect words.

If Gatsby had a wallet what would he carry in it?

if gatsby were to carry a wallet with him, what would he carry inside of it and why would thoes things be significant?

Is Kevin Durant Underated?

Its the beggining of the season and they have all this talk about MVP's already and all this stuff all over ESPn showing Kobe, Lebron, even Mr. Jennings from the Bucks. Even though I am not a OKC Thunder fan. I have noticed one guy being consistent and scoring around 25-30 somthing points a game and is grabbing a lot of rebounds and yet he gets nothing no respect. I think its about time this man got some recognition. I dont know what do you think? please dont be biased

Hii guys please help me?

k i love a guy n he used make a lot of eye contacts for long time n his friends used 2 shout his name n push him forward whenever i was around.but we never told each other that we like r interested in eachother.i became friends with him in orkut and tried scrapping with him n it was successful but he takes a lot of him 2 reply like 1 month r 15days i asked him y so he says i don't come often i was like k fine.but he never asks abt me iam the 1 who pops on topics n i wait like an idiot k iam 5ne with it but i miss since we r diff coll. u think he likes me n should i cont. n tell him i like him??he wished 4 my birthday (a month back) he was d only 1 who remember it from people n friends from plzz give suggestions

Question about upgrading CPU/Processor.?

You can get a motherboard + CPU + memory combo, for that price, and can reuse most of your components.

How to solve this geometric problem?

You need the value of any other AP or CD since they are all, basically, isosceles triangles.

Am I the only women who cannot stand to be around other women?

I have never been able to be around other women. I can't stand when they open their mouths. Their complaining. In all fairness there are a few women I can tolerate, but mostly I can't stand being around them. I worked in an office and I was surrounded by whining, self involved, pathetic, weak women. These same women ended up with weak pahetic men with no backbones because nobody else would want to be around them. JUST NEEDED TO GET THIS OFF MY CHEST.

What am I supposed to do, I cant decide between two girls that I truly care for!?

Somehow it seems like you just answered your own question. In summary, you are still in love with Katie, but you cant take the fact that both of you are constantly at loggerheads, while Nicole is the "Safe" option. It is not fair to Nicole if you continue moving on feeling this way. If Katie still feels the same way about you... then you should truly work things out.

FIFA: Argentinian Invasion order of business!?

Hear Yee Hear Yee my Camaradas! Before Liberating Mexico from the grasp od corruption I wish to take OVER Argentina. Kill all the mindless idiots who cherish "Blancamiento" Endorse the small fragile indigenous communities in the Andes and well destroy Colonial Nostalgia. Of course Argentina will follow Che Guevara's plans. The spread of wealth and actually putting in trial all of those germans that migrated to Argentina running away from persecution because of Nazism! Yeah they have to face their mistakes! All women will be oblige to bear Tevez's son! The Invasion comenses NOW

What season of Friends did Ross dedicate the song from U2 (With or Without You) to Rachel?

But Rachel ends up calling the radio station to tell them what Ross did which causes the radio station to not play Ross’ request … can you let me know what season and or episode of Friends this was?

Need help with laptop specs?

Download the free Belarc Advisor, install it and run it. This will give you every stat on your computer that you could imagine. Get it a href="" rel="nofollow" here.

Iwant to get in love with my exgirlfreind but idont know how can itell her?

I still cant let it go,its hard for me,i real her,even the moment i saw her i feel something deep inside me help?ijust cant forget her that easy

I have a Potterton Flamingo R550 boiler - is it G rated or better?

It's cled as SEDBUK G as its in the 55% efficiency band because it's an old heavyweight boiler. The Flamingo is very old now but they were well built and very basic [not a lot to go wrong] and it could chug on for years if you look after it.

Political satire and parody on SNL?

Sarah hates all the media (except Fox) ever since she was asked what books and magazines she reads. It's those kind of "gotcha" questions that made her quit being Governor.

Spaghetti sauce gone bad???

I poured a few cans of spaghetti sauce into the crock pot 3 nights ago, we never ate it. So i shut off the crock pot, put the top on it and its sat since then. Do you think that the sauce has gone bad??? Or would it be safe to eat? It looks and smells fine.. but that dont mean anything. Thanks

My Chemical Romance fans...?

I did before this question haha. No! They're losing to Paramore! what? they are so much better than Paramore, Paramore's just some pop/rock band singing about love, and, like Gerard says, I'm sick of hearing songs about breakups.

Whats best diet to cut up?

What is the best diet to cut up and use as a life diet where i don't have to worry about exercises dropping my energy levels. What do you think of Atkins?

Would you convert to the Jedi Faith?

No lie, in New Zealands 2001 Census, Jedi was the 2nd largest "religion" after Christianity.

What can you say about my sign?

well if you want an answer now i would say that you might possibly be very vengeful and jealous, but the good factors are that you are most likely very charming, and others find you to have an interesting air about, you, you are a double Scorpio, but don't take the bad things to heart those are just guesses, you are probably very smart, knowledge wise, although not always in the social area

Will they still give my baby shots if she's congested?

She's 6 months old & has some sinus congestion. She doesn't act like it bothers her & she's not running a fever.

KIng of Queens today on the CW?

what was the name of that song that started "shake that body, that y body" at the beginning of the show but it had a really good beat to it and it was funny?

What is a good sick-day film?

When my niece was sick with mono- we watched all three of the Pirates of the Caribbean films. I threatened her with the "Star Wars" films if she didn't get better! (she hates those movies!) ;-)

Okay, so if I have a purpose or a mission I have to fufil, what if I fail it?

If people do have a mission in life that they have to fufil, what if I fail it? Will God/Buddah/Jesus/Mohammed/Jerusalem/Mose… Bush/Insert Spritual figure here be mad? will they punish me? or what if failing it actually was my mission, eh?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Cop after obtaining illegal prescription drug online?

If you didn't get caught at the time I don't see how it's relevant now. You could have gotten damage to your septum if a legitimate prescription was filled. If there's no record that you broke any laws years ago, I wouldn't even mention it. It's not like you bought cocaine. Good luck!

What does summary dismissal mean?

I was due to attend an investigation meeting last week for alleged gross misconduct namely incorrect use of gift cards purchased for charity and as i did do what they are investigating into I didn't attend and submitted a sick note and my resignation. In my resignation I asked them to accept my resignation with immediate affect due to irrevocable breach of trust and confidence from myself towards the company. Over the weekend I received a letter saying that they were unable to accept my resignation and a disciplinary is arranged for this week (today) and at the end says this is a serious allegation which upheld could result in your summary dismissal for gross misconduct. As I said I did do what is alledged and cannot face them as I am very embarred as to what I did, what does it mean in summary dismissal?

Just how desperate is James Corden to be liked?

Was his cynically placed media announcement that he was giving his 50k appearance fee from the Brit awards to comic relief a cheap bribe to get the public to take him to their hearts? This is the same loser who tried to buy the affections of Alexandra burke with a 5k watch, she more or less told him to get lost, loser! Just how desperate is James Cordon for people to like him? And before anybody says why don't i give my wages to comic relief i would like to add ive never given anything to comic relief and never will. Different topic and long explanation

Is he just being nice, or interested, I've been out of the dating game, embarring?

It sounds like he is busy and it might be difficult to hang out. I was going through something similar-- only I was literally going out of my way to make it happen and it never did. I think you are doing nothing wrong. The only thing that I can see that is wrong is him blaming the hang over for getting mad at you. That is a excuse which is always wrong.

Republicans: Is the government out to get you? Are liberals all conspirators?

That's great if you want to have faith in this government, however their track record wont allow me to do the same. Your post sounds like a logical appeal to the reasoning individual , but all steam is let out of it when considering the horrible track record of this current government. You can have all the good feelings and positive attitude you want towards them, but their actions speak louder and their words, and all the positive energy in the world is not going to change that. God bless.

Is Twilight similar to the movie "The Covenant"?

I've only seen parts of The covenant but i don't think so. hey, you know that Calebor is it with a K? Well Stephenie Meyer was goiing to have The guy who plays Caleb (Steven Strait) to play Jacob. I would have been kinda sad though becaus i love Taylor. :)

Chavez jr. is 25 and undefeated @ 42-0.....?

The thing is chavez jr was never amateur he went pro at 16 he had to learn to fight as a pro mayweather fought as an amatuer like 200 fights+ and a has an olympic resume

A profound love of diet dew moving physical.?

Hahaha, you need to go to the ER. Just make sure no one sees you. I'm sure a plastic bottle stuck to your isn't easy to conceal.

Is my nfl fantasy team gonna hold up in an 8 team league?

Wow, Calvin went 38th and Matthews at 43? I have not seen either of them go that low before. Your team is ok. You would have a good team in a 10-team league, but (having not seen the others in the league) this will likely be a middle of the pack team in an 8 team league.

Is it possible to find a lost parrot? It is an exotic Amanzon Conur that has been family for near 20 years.?

We regret it has been in cage for most of his time with us. It's feathers have such unique colors and patterns. It has very bad temper and is seldom friendly to people. Its favorite family member has recently gone oversea for quite sometime now. It was extremely happy to see his return last week--but with very short stay of 2 days. A few days after later, we lost him. We found its water feeder door unlock and swing open. We fond it chewed up a couple things on top of its cage. It has been gone for almost three days now. It is capably of flying. We don't know how good. We are sure it probably wants to run free. Will it be able to survived or be found?

What's my final grade ?

If I currently have 1.44 D in my geometry cl and I on my midterm exam I got a 1.00 D , What is my final grade ???

Spanish speakers: What are some synonyms for "deseo" (wish, desire)?

I'm working on a Spanish essay for my AP cl, but repeated the word "deseo" about six times since I don't have a Spanish thesaurus with me. If you could also include the English definition/translation and not just the spanish synonym, that would be great. Thanks!

Can I sue my doc for prescribing the wrong antibiotic?

I took the oral antibiotic for a week, but the infection overtook my body, I nearly died. I spent months in the hospital, and still have pain, scars.

Should we go to my wifes cousins wedding?

start listening a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Anti-christianity/religion organizations?

Yes there is. And I don't think you could ever understand how evil the organization is. Here's a link: (Just see how far down the rabbit hole goes)

Why do so many people think that Texans are stupid hicks?

I was visiting my cousins in Dallas and at some point there was an argument over politics and my cousin Joshua looked at me with a sneer and said "All you people on that stinking West Coast think we're just a bunch of redneck morons!"

Why has Shakespeare written Macbeth?

Shakespeare wrote Macbeth specifically for King James I, who was a huge supporter of the theater. The problem was that the king was easily bored; long, drawn-out plots with minimal action allegedly caused King James I to fall asleep in the theater itself. Therefore, Shakespeare produced Macbeth, which is by far the bard's shortest and most violent play ever (also, Macbeth included witchcraft because the king was fascinated by the concept), in order to not only please the king but keep him awake during the play.

Does everyone realize that the M suicide rumor in relation to the May 31st MCR protest was fake?

Yes, I realised straight away but I was worried that it was going to cause trouble on the day. I'm pleased it's all been proved wrong now.

Kickflip trouble!?

ive been skating for a month or two and i can ollie, manual, and hand shuvit but i cant kickflip. ive been trying for about 3 weeks and i can flip the board but my legs always spread apart too far and my front foot goes out too far and my back foot goes out a little bit. Ive been told to do it like an ollie but then i cant even flip it. Please helpp fastt!

A Little Teaser For You All?

Can you name the only two english club teams to play at both Wembley Stadium & The Millenium Stadium in the same season?

Kelly clarkson country?

She has a song in her new album called, "Cry" it kinda has a country vibe to it. "All I Ever Wanted" is a bit reggae but it still kinda country-rock. I suggest listen to those songs. As well as the song Long Shot, Ready, and If No Will Listen especially Ready.

Why America is lying to the world, it's a free country?

Why America is lying to the world, it's a free country?Golden Czech Republic.In America, I lived in a million dollars.Better die a poor Czech.

Somebody told me that if you dont see a dr before you are so far along that cps will take the baby is that tru?

No this is not true, don't be daft. Many women don't even know they're pregnant untill they're past 20 weeks! The only thing that is true about going to the docs early is that sometimes if you don't get your 12 week scan it can be hard for them to accurately predict how far along you are

Week 11 WR & DEF start?

Colston and Johnson will both have big games. You want to start Philly's Defense. Cutler is garbage and Forte is having a pretty bad year, compared to last year.

What size factory alloy wheels come on the 02'Millenia?

i really like the factory alloy wheel look that comes on the 2002 mazda millenia but not sure what size the wheels are 16s or 17s ???

You ever notice Palin news tends to temporarily sway people away from MORE IMPORTANT TOPICS?

Yes Palin quit. Ok, done. Obama is defending tyrants in Honduras and Chavez is this close saying "screw it, I own this b*tch". Meanwhile people are here (and many other forums) making ridiculous comments about Palin.

Can i eat sushi, if im allergic to shrimp..

Im allergic to shrimp,crab, oysters and stuff like that but i can eat other kinds of fish like tuna,and im going to get something with that in it..i've never tried it before but im going to a place today, do you think it would be a problem?

What is up with pop-tarts being a breakfast "food"?

While not what I'd call health food you've gotta admit they're quick and convenient if you're on the go.

Do you share my opinion?

last Monday I visited downtown Denver Colorado, between the Capitol and the Children's hospital and there are houses with a very nice and complicated architecture, however the majority are neglected. I think that's too bad.

Who can tell me dividend payable on certain days?

i would like to buy a stock. It has dividend. The company says that it will pay dividends payable on August 22 to shareholders on close day of August 8, 2010

Good poem on terrorism?

Can someone link a good poem(s) based on terrorism, with good poetic techniques like metaphors, similes, rhyme, alliteration, onance, personification etc, not all but a few would be much preferable. Thanks

Is there such a thing as an unbreakable ceramic? If so, what's the magic ingredient?

The collector's joy in making daily use of his finds is undermined by their breakability. Is there a way round this?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Tips on teaching a young child Spanish?

Children learn languages orally. Play games in Spanish especially with native speakers. Do not bother her with the alphabet. Spanish is an extremely easy language to learn to read because (Unlike English) it follows rules. If you can speak it, you can learn to read it easily. Just get her around oral Spanish and leave the reading until she can speak it.

Whisper 10i Sucking up Betta! Need to get tank cycled.?

I rescued a beta from some one, went to petco and bought a 2 gallon hexagon tank. Its crud, it said it had a filter, but I set it up at home, and the only thing the "filter" does it bubble, its redic. I went to the store today and bought a Whisper In-Tank Filter by tetra, set it up, and the motor is so strong, that the crown tail betta can out swim in. Any ideas what I can do? Thank you!

Is there a statistical test for the following?

If all we know about two samples is their mean, range and sample size, do you know of a statistical test to find out if they are significantly different?

How did gender demographics differ in Jamestown and Plymouth? Explain how that would affect those societies.?

The Jamestown colony was formed by men. For the most part all the people who settled there were merchants and entrepreneurs. Not many came over with their families. Plymouth was the complete opposite. It was founded by Puritains who, by religion, are extremely family oriented. Essentially, Jamestown had a very minimal population of women whereas in Plymouth women made up a much more significant part of the population. As for the societal difference, I think you should come up with this yourself as it is your homework. Hope this helps.

Is there any wind resistance in space?

Yes, there is wind (Solar) resistance in space. The Space Shuttle is just one example of stuff up there that has to compensate for changes caused by Solar wind.

Help Me With This Make-Up Look Plz =]?

k first apply a light pink eyeshadow u can use rosewine rfom clinique then take a little brown n put it under ur eye bone but really brush it in so its not too dark take liquid liner n put it on the top but rlly thin n close to ur eyelashes put on black eyeliner black mascara and a little bronzer n blush good luck

Ok so i need help remembering the title of a certain vampire manga...?

you might be thinking rosario vampire, its in a school and the main charecter has longish black hair

Why are pop stars and rappers trying to copy from house music?

Oh it irritates me too. Look at how much rap music samples 80's pop. It's like people can't come up with anything original anymore. I just want to hear one song that changes everything, the way Nirvana changed the music scene.

Is it normal for you to feel like your bf will dump you for one of your friends?

My bf is really sweet but when ever i get a crush or bf i am jelouse of my friends because i think he will dump me for them. I only say this because I believe my friends are prettier then me and i am really shy so it is hard for me to get a bf and when i do get one i feel like he will dump me at any moment enen tho that is not tru plz help i am in grade 7 and I am new at dating so plz help me

Am i the only one who feels the end near?

its sort of a weird feeling. like when you throw something in the air and you expect and can feel it coming down towards the earth. i can feel it. as if time is cutting short and i can not see past 2015 or above. like something major will happen. i feel as if everyone is beginning to know about the antichrist and so on. i feel slowly fading away as if im not apart of the earth anymore and like im dreaming. like i have entered a new me. it has happend since my mom became religious and has taught us her new way of living. we are all religious now but we do not attend church for peronal reasons. instead we study at home. am i the only who feels this way ? please tell me im not

House I rent to be repossessed - rights?

I moved into my current address 3 months ago on a short term fixed tenancy for 6 months. Problem is, yesterday, I recieved a letter addressed to the 'occupiers' of the house I rent (me), it stated that the house was to be repossessed in 3 weeks time because the landlord is in breachof his contract with the bank or something. After paying for the house to be thoroughly decorated, carpeted upstairs and wooden floor downstairs I'm not to happy and I cannot get in touch with the landlord. I don't know where I now 'stand' and moving again so soon after just getting settled is more time and expense. Has anyone been in a similar situation? what happended? Or, can anyone give any advice at all about rights or what my options are? Thank you in anticipation...

Is England possibly the dullest place in the world? Could you c/c please?

I'd drop "concrete jungle" it's too cliche. The rhymes are good. Mexico is nice in tourist resorts, but the rest of the country, like the people, are the dirtiest. Then they have the nerve to bring their filth to America, illegally, use our welfare and act like it's their country. England might be full of dark-skinned Muslims and blacks, which is why it looks darker to you.

Ladies I need your help please read......?

Sounds to me like he isn't ready to be a dad, but the thing is that since you are over 35, there can be some serious issues not only for you but also your unborn child. You need to sit him down and tell him how you feel and how having a child at your age could be dangerous. You definately have the means of providing for this child, so I don't see what he is so scared of. Good luck.

Where to buy Puma Iran Jersey and Faravahar Necklace?

Hello, Just wondering where I could find an iran soccer jersey and a farvahar necklace. Also do you usually see girls wearing a farvahar and is there any other "persian" sorta of necklaces that you could buy in Toronto/ North york area?

To the TTCers, should I BD every day or ever other day?

Every other day, because it gives your man's sperm a chance to replenish. His should be white in color (sperm), and if it starts looking clear, then you might want to only BD every third day. Goodluck!!!

What is Nietzsche's most insane book, or the book where his style seems to be most crazy and bombastic?

You can give me a thumbs down for not answering your base question, but Edgar Allan Poe never had the opportunity to read Nietzsche. Poe was dead by the time Nietzsche turned five...

How do we address anti-white racism?

I am also a white nationalist. White people need to stop taking the abuse, just because we gave blacks jobs on southern farms over 150 years ago. I am sick of pity parties for every worthless minority out there and I for one won't go along with PC fads. I also won't stand by as white women are put in danger for the sake of political correctness.

Who are YOU praying will win the Superbowl?

Actually, it's a good question. Does God hear prayers for one team to win over another? I don't think so. When I am watching a game that matters to me, I do sometimes pray — not for victory, but for two things: (1) Lord, help my guys play up to their potential, and (2) let there be no injuries to any members of either team.

Are any of you aware of the explosive amounts of Marijuana and Cocaine used on Wall street? How do we go about?

arresting all of them? Oh that's right....Marijuana laws and investigations only apply to the poor. Why is this never reported? I only know about it from working in the Financial District of New York for years now and was always surprised at the small amounts of drug related investigations or police action in general down here concerning drug use. So.... some punk kid in central park should be arrested and have his recorded tainted for life but someone controlling billions of dollars floating around our economy...nah... he's ok.. he's a good guy just letting off some stress.

Question in physics.?

In an oil immersion microscope , the semi vertical angle subtented by two self luminous point objects is 10 degrees .if the points are just resolved ,what will be the distance between them ? Wavelength of light used is 600nm and the refractive index of oil is 1.5. Pls explain.

Quick and easy Chemistry Question?

The elements that they found is actually Roentgenium. The error present, is the fact that isotopes of an element have the same atomic number.

Anyone going to watch Hells Kitchen tonight...?

WB Kimmy, hardly ever on myself either but have met my sister I never knew I had and smashed most of my body to bits since I saw you last.......lmao but in answer to your Q yeah I'll give it a try, nobody as good on cooking shows as the Ramsay for me though!!

What do you think about FAKE NAILS?

Girls that wear fake nails, fake hair, have fake , and wear colored contacts just end up looking FAKE. Is that what you want? To look artificial?

My goldfish's tail is curling could it be fin rot :/?

my gold fish also has some white spots on its gills (tail is a little bloody where it curls to) what could this be here's a pic a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Does a facility that hires a nother company to clean there facility have a right to know that companys employe?

I work for a cleaning company and the place that i am cleaning wants to know what my hours that i work there are i do not get paid by them?

Pls help I only have until tomorrow!!!!!!?

what are some websites with free book notes for every chapter summaries for House on Hackman's by Joan Lowery Nixon and Dovey Coe. First person to give me good answer gets 10 points

What are stereotypes about where you live, or the area you live etc?

Well I am from Gerogia. And a lot of the stereotypes about us are incorrect. I swear, people in the north, often think people from the South, especially people from GA (does not help that Deliverance was filmed here) are a bunch of interbred red necks. I ure you I do not watch Hee Haw, wear overalls, and I have plenty of forks in my family tree and I never had designs on my brother.

What was the price of a System of a Down ticket in 2007?

I know they're not on tour now, but I NEED to know how much a ticket would cost to see them live. Please help, I know they may come back for one last hoo-plah in 2011 so I need to scrummage some cash! Thanks!!!

Hi everybody, I still get popups..........?

like utarget, adultfriendfindre, and other dating crap related windows, also from, some popups are just blank. I do have norton internet security and firewall and popup blockers, all on. Yet these things are still coming. I installed spybot search and destroy, spyware blaster, ad aware se, after running them I ended up not being able to log into internet. Please, can you tell me whatta heck is going on?

Why is western babies usually off to by 7pm +ish?

well i am an asian, malaysian to be exact. unless the baby is a newborn, others usually goes to bed around 9pm and onwards. what i dun understand is why are all the western babies usually goes to bed @ 7pm +? how bout the adults? in malaysia, 7pm is considered too early. what's the usual working hours you guyz have in western? we here are from 9am - 6pm. so it is very unusual if our baby gets up at 5am. we will be crazy!!

How long is someone usually on the Delayed Entry Program for the Air Force?

Went into the DEP Program DEC long is the average time it will take for someone to go into BMT.

Thanksgiving and Swine Flu?

I am a new mom- my son is 9 months old. My husband and I have been going round and round about this situation. My Mother in law has had the swine flu for over a week now and still feels awful. She keeps saying "start digging me a hole" as an expression to show how icky she feels. The Thanksgiving plans are to visit my family in the morning for lunch and then head to my Husband's family at night for dinner. Now my sister in law is insisting that my Mother in law come to Thanksgiving even if she is still sick because her children haven't seen their grandma for a few weeks and miss her. My mother in law intends to go and said to me last night "if anyone gets sick they need to promise to go to the doctor and get some tamiflu" I really don't want to go if my mother in law is still feeling cruddy because I know she will help with making the food and I really don't want my 9 month old son to get sick. Especially now that the swine flu is becoming resistant against tamiflu. My Husband thinks nothing of this and states that the flu is only contagious for 7 days and insists we go even if his mom is still sick. He says I am being Irrational, what do you think?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Favorite lesser-known humor/socio/pop culture website?

Maybe it’s interesting to start following is my new story site It’s a one of a kind website that is filled with personal stories about everything like visits to a famous place, vacations, meeting someone, mistakes, humorous events, in fact anything except :-). The amount of stories is not yet that large, but that will grow in time.

How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?

Haven't compensatory education methods been failing to close the racial achievement gap for the past 40 years, and more? Isn't the "No Child Left Behind" requirement a sure recipe for corrupting the grading and the statistical methodology used by public schools?

I lost my student ID and I am taking the PSAT tomorrow, will it matter?

I don't even know if you need a student ID for it, but if you need ID I have a Six Flags Great Adventure season p, will that suffice? PLEASE ANSWER I NEED TO KNOW NOW!!!!

What movie is better? Terminator 2 or Avatar?

I'd say Terminator 2 is much better considering that T2 is a fantastic film that greatly improves on the original with an amazing script and great action. Avatar was an over-hyped CGI explosion. Sure the visuals were absolutely amazing but that didn't make up for it's ok script and ok acting. Terminator 2 is my favorite of all of Cameron's films.

Unkown collection agency tries to charge my card?

early yesterday morning an a company called "I-collect" tried to charge 550$ to my card. My freshman year of college I gave some information to some payday loan companies but was declined, however I still recieve haring calls from these Indian people claiming to be federal agents and threatening arrest. This is not usually a problem because its clearly a scam and i enjoy wasting their time, but I've never had anyone attempt charging my card. The lady from visa fraud prevention told me the company was called "i-collect" and gave me the number 888 328 5386. After doing some research I learned this company MAY be osciated with some of the Ted Ellis Crosby companies. The problem is that the number is discontinued or something and I have no way of contacting them to figure out what the deal is. Does anyone have any information on "I-collect"? or had a similar experience?

Why is Khalid Sheikh Mohammed still alive?

How is it that one of the head guys behind the 9/11 attacks is still alive over 8 years later? After being tried for 2,973 counts of murder nearly 2 years ago...

Does powdered Pineapple juice has the same dietary fiber compared to the liquid pack in can?

Pineapple juice is enrich with dietary fiber, i was just wondering if powdered juice drink still has the same fiber allowance as the other pineapple juice pack in cans?

Do YOU want to know what real torture is?

So, safe to say that if Obama signs this deal, he agrees with torture and is only going after the Bush administration as a way to make Republicans look bad. That is the case anyway but this will prove it.

Did anyone notice there wasnt 1 single person with an america shirt in the whole stadiu at the end of the game?

Chivas played really good Marco Fabian, Cubo, Arellano,and Medina were monsters out there these guys can get us many titles in there careers truly ive been watching soccer for around 15 years now and this looks like Chivas most promising generation ever. America well besides Reyna and Sanchez trying to shake i saw absolutly nothing.

What size heat lamp is best for 10 gallon tank?

i recently found a baby alligator snapping turtle about 3 inches long. i have him in a 10g tank and read that they need a heat lamp for a basking area. how big of a heat lamp should i buy for this lil dude?

College loans and medical school loans?

going back to college was wondering if it is possible to not only gat a college loan, but also a loan for medical school, or do i have to pay for the college loan first before ican get another loan. Like most students i have no money, but i can get a co-signer-I have never done anything like this before and any sugestions,help would be great- if you have experienced this before along with the whole medical school loan process i would be very greatfull if i could hear your story!

What are some races and horses for the kentucky derby?

what are upcoming stakes races for qualifying for the kentucky derby to keep an eye on or does anyone know any of the horses already for the 2009 derby???

What should I do with these two cats?

These poor cats have never been socialized to litter boxes and treated in a civilized way, so they don't know any 'manners'. Unfortunately, if they are adults, it is going to be very hard to TEACH them any at this stage in their lives. If she left any money with the cats, I would donate them to a no kill shelter (along with the money) where they will be well looked after. Barring that, finding another home where they could be outdoor cats would not be a horrible idea. You could try to train them to litter boxes by confining them to one room, say the bathroom or a laundry room , where you put two cat boxes (with 2 cats you are supposed to have 3 litter boxes, but in one room two will do if you clean them really well) and their food and keep them in there till they are going in the boxes reliably. Then you could try a different room with the boxes for awhile till you trust them in the whole house. You can cover your furniture with throws or plastic to protect it, I don't recommend declawing older cats that pee and poop all over the place because then they can't become outdoor cats if necessary, and declawing is horribly painful for adult cats. Good luck!

Whats the name of the song in fred claus?

im trying to find it but i can't its when fred deliver the presents and he has not that much time to do it and he rushes to eat the cookies and milk

What is your opinion of this definition of science based medicine?

Not bad; I would eliminate the word "physical" though: I think it's too restricting, the way I understand it. Chemical, bio-chemical, bio-social, biological, etc... - rather than enumerating all, just say "theories", "underlying mechanism"

Where can I find tour info for Elvin Bishop?

I am looking for tour info for Elvin Bishop. Yahoo search has Alligator records as a site, but they have no tour info. Any web sites would be appreciated.

How lucky is Adam Lambert, to NEVER have to sing that horrible A.I. song, ever again?

Good luck Kris, try and score a hit with that, while Adam is in the studio creating a masterpiece!!!!!

In narnia, is Aslan the professor with whom the 4 kids are staying with?

No, the children stay with Professor Kirk and they meet Aslan the lion after they have traveled through the wardrobe into Narnia.

Can anybody think of some biblical allusions?

If Pop Culture can include fifty year old books, then The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew,' Chapters 8 & 9 might be what you are looking for.

I have Five (5) Issues with Texas Governor Rick you have any to add?

Well, there's the pitiful job he did with the Texas education system--not to mention being rude and dismissive to Texas teachers.

What do you mums make/do when you run out of money for food, if ever?

I don't have room for a chest freezer and sometimes money is very tight but I always bulk buy potatoes so I can always do jackets with say cheese, rice, chickpeas and tomatoes, with those basics I can always make something up. Soya mince is always a good standby. (I have a vegetarian daughter)

My boyfriend was in iraq right now, but he wasnt be online for two weeks w/c i feel it's not normal anymore

I have my boyfriend currently base in iraq right now, we chat everynight after his work, and if he cant be online. He send me an email to let me know that he cant be online. But just this time, he was not able to online for about 2 weeks and i keep on sending him an email but he never answered anyone of it. Im worry about him and at the same time worry if he might not want to talk to me again. i dont know the reason... One day i recieve a missed call from a private #. Is it possible that he is the one who call me?. it just happened one time that a private number will appear bec. mostly if he call me his number will appear. And how can i call this number 007777777777? everytime i call this #, it says incorrect #.. but this is the number that appear on my cp.. Do i need to dial the area or country code in iraq? Please help me i want to find out where is he right now.. Godbless.. thanks

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Re: Lost vocabulary - does anyone know the meaning of SHAME anymore?

I completely agree with you. What disgusts me is when people in society see these figures be that way and think it's acceptable behavior for themselves too.

Which Beatles songs were inspired by playing other songs backwards?

I know "Because" was inspired by John playing Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" backwards-- are there any others?

Which name do like better?

Sade is nice but it sounds too feminine. I really like Sage AND Persephone, I can't choose between the two of them. I wouldn't go with Sade for a boys name though unless you use it as a middle name.

What does she really mean when she says 'Flattered'?

usually when i say flattered,it means i only thought of u as a friend, and now its become awekward. but it may be just me. im sorry dude, i think its time to find yourself another girl. and theres no sense in waiting for someone to break up with someone, so u can have a chance. move on, and youll find someone who makes u happy

What do I have?

it sounds like allergies. Allergies can cover a WIDE range of symptoms. I was having terrible headaches, nose bleeds and sick to my stomach for about a week and me thinking the worse went in a got a brain scan ( they found one ) but didn't find any abnormalities. My family doc said it was just allergies but arranged the scan anyway. A week later it all cleared up

Nioxin is making my hair fall out more?

Nixion conditioner can not make your hair fall out. The conditioner is just like all other conditioners except it is formulated to not weigh fine hair down. It also has special moisturizers to give nutrients back to the scalp. You should be putting the conditioner in the scalp not the hair as much. The shampoo is made to gently cleanse impurities off the scalp to ensure good hair growth. A treatment (not sure what one you are using) would stimulate the scalp to give you more hair growth. Hair must fall out to grow more. ( fall replacement cycle) But if you are having hair loss you might have new hair growth. If you need more help do not hesitate to email me.

What does an apparel manager do?

Pretty straightforward question. I just want to know what the duties and responsibilities of an apparel manager are. I'm seriously in need of a job and wondering if I have what it takes to be an apparel manager.

Human sacrifice unjustified?

Can anyone tell me some reasons why human sacrifice was unjustified when the Aztecs and Mayans practiced it? I know that the Aztecs practiced human sacrifice to take over the world but can anyone tell me more and something about the Mayans?

No taste or smell after bronchitis?

This will clear up when your body has healed itself. As long as you have mucus production, it will affect your ability to taste and smell because they are both inter-related.

What to pack for NYC in early November?

Pack for cold weather..15c Max down to 11c or less in the daytime, much colder at night. Take a think coat and wear for getting on the plane, then you don't have to pack it. Other stuff sounds fine, although remember the temperature.

Why is this world the way it is?

What is wrong with this world we live in? Are we on the brink of destruction? Wars all over world, military industrialization, pollution increasingly accelerating global warming, natural disasters occurring more frequently, extinction of many species of animals, insects, birds, plants, and so on. There is not much left to do but sit back and watch the world die.

Dealing with a difficult person?

It seems like you've been going through a lot of emotional stress and I could relate in some ways (my parents are amazing but ive seen fathers that could be real jerks towards their children) First of all, could it be that your dad is going through something difficult in his own life and the way he deals with it is by haring you? Maybe your dad is having a hard time with the fact that his kids are growing up and they don't need him as much, he could be trying to get attention from his kids. Maybe your dad is fighting some other battle in his life and he doesn't want to talk about it so instead he behaves that way. You should express your feelings and try talking to your dad, try to spend some quality time with him or do nice things for him like make him a sandwich or go through family albums with him or even talk about things HE enjoys. Your dad could be going through something, fathers sometimes dont like to show their families theyre in pain cause theyre the "man" of the house. I hope everything works out for you and your family!

How can I improve my FFB team?

Your ground game needs drastic improvement. I'd think about trading a HB and WR for a better running back. Sims-Walker is solid, Manningham is a great pick, and the two stars on top...idk i think you trade Chad Johnson or Randy Moss (seriously), for a good quality running back then pick up a receiver with the free agent pick.

Can anyone answer this Pre-Cal Question!?

A security camera is being installed outside a loading dock. The light is mounted 20 feet above the ground. The light needs to be placed at an angle so it will illuminate the end of the parking lot. If the parking lot is 100 feet from the loading dock, what should be the angle of depression of the light?

Has anyone a recipe for vegetarian sage derby cheese and apple pie?

I once had a recipe for a delicious pie made with cooking apples, sage derby cheese and walnuts. This was topped with a flaky pastry and when cooked served as a main course. It was excellent, but I have lost the recipe and don't know if I am missing ingredients or know the proportions of quantites. Anyone come across the recipe or similar?

ATI 3850 AGP Graphics Card Trouble?

The FSX simulator is a very system intensive game. Not only is it graphic intensive, but also takes alot of computing from the CPU. You only changed one aspect of your gaming experience, not the total package. If your CPU was slow with your 6600, it is going to be slow with your 3850. You would have been much better off to not have bought that AGP card. AGP has been out the window for 5 years now... Good news, if you have paper laying around on your desk, you can stack it into a small pile and take the AGP card our of your system and prop it on top of the pile of paper and it will stay in one spot for 5 minutes or so...

How to become un-cynical?

Many people are selfish, greedy and either do not consider how their actions affect others or know that their actions are hurtful and inflict harm. I don't think this has anything to do with corporations and big business has little to do with the educational system in America. Most people do not work for large corporations but the people you have met are everywhere, including schools, corporations, and so on. I hope you have not wasted 15 years of your life and that you can reflect on what skills you learned in school that you can apply to a job and a career. Unless you are an accountant, business major, an architect or in some other professional degree school, few undergraduate majors "set you up" for a big corporate job. If nothing comes to mind, then you need to set your sights on a job that you enjoy doing and that has some long term prospects. The reality is, people need to work both to support themselves and to give value to their lives. Doing nothing does not add value, it takes away time. Many people complain about "ignorant corporate drones and consumers" but I would ask how can they be better and how could I be more like the person I would like everyone to be. Find what you like and everything else will follow. Follow a path that others think you should take and you will go nowhere.

If Mitt Romney were chosen as John McCain's running mate?

Would the liberal "unbiased" media ever talk about the fact that Mitt Romney is a Mormon --- or is that ALL they would talk about?

Please help!!! My brand new wireless router is slow as hell.?

My roommate and I just moved into an apartment for school and he bought a brand new router (it's an N? I'm kind of computer illiterate so I have no idea what that means) Anyway I just want to know how can I speed up my connection? I read that if there are a lot of other routers and stuff that that means there will be too much interference. How can I get my speedy connection back?

What is the name of that "Vampire" on the CW?

It looks like a "Twilight" Series rip off! I am sure Meyer would be so proud lol. It's not exactly like Twilight but similar. I am just curious since I won't be tuning in.

What are your views on judaism?

I'm...well I'm not certain what I am...I just worship G-d so I do my best to live my life without lashing out with I'm not Jewish but not Christian either. But anyway, my views on Judaism is that it is a beautiful, peaceful religion that is rich in history and tradition. I have so much respect for it because after centuries and centuries of antisemitism and genocide they have really stayed the course and endured. I live in a small farming community so there really is no Jewish community and no rabbi to speak to. I wish there was though...we need some diversity around here!

Star RB is on a BYE! Need roster help! Who to Sit or Start?

Did you watch the Rams game this past sunday? How are u even asking this? Steven Jackson should be your back. and Your WR should be Driver, how can they not p allover the field playing against the Lions? I mean it's Aaron Rodgers we're talking about.

How long does it take for your general manager to order your shirt (a.k.a) your uniform shirt?

My general manager Reggie told me that I would be working the cash register. He also told me that when he gets my uniform shirt he will call me. Well it's been 2 days now and He still hasn't called me. I even had to call him and ask if it was their. plus to top it all off he hasn't told me when I start working. All I know is that I'm on the cash register and That I work from 4-9 0r 4-10 it depends. Is burger king being shady? if so should I look for another job. I even told my mom and she says that dosen't sound right and I totally agree with her.

Some guy asked me out...the only problem is...?

He kept going on before about how he doesn't want a relationship & he's too young, too much energy & longest relationship was 2 months. So why did he ask me? Should I be wary of him? Recently he's been saying he has a lot on his mind & needs to clear his head. When I meet him we have such a good time & act like a couple but I don't know what he wants

I need a new laptop, any suggestions?

i need a new laptop because mi current one (advent) is screwed up. it needs to be around �400, with a decent memory. built in webcam would be cool. can you please suggest some laptops and good shops where to look, thanks

Is Hillary Clinton working for Karl Rove these days?

There is only 78 delegates separating her and Obama. Out of over 3800 cast that means that only 2% seperate the two candidates, and in popular votes she is now beating him if you count Michigan and Florida. IF you do not count Michigan and Florida she is down by 400,000 and could easily beat him. This is a very close race by any standard of measure and for her to get out of the race is political suicide. Why doesn't he quit and save the party if that is what the important thing is, my guess is that they both want to be President and are letting the people decide who they want and not the Party Elite.

Help making Helenas dress from the My Chemical Romance video?

I am looking to make a dress like the one in the MCR video. How should i do it. Start with a corset type of top and then attach a skirt? I want to use if for a haloween costume, and a pageant dress :) Possible a prom dress later on in the future. I would apriciate all suggestions ya'll have!

Hey All I Need Help on 2 Guys!!!?

Hello I am about to make a big decision on what I need help on please help me and no negative stuff okay well i am seeing two great guys but they are so different ones name is Tim he is sweet i known him for one week and well he told me that i should go back to my family and be with them for the holidays and so i did he told me that he wanted to be friends thats all then a week later we chatted on yahoo messenger he told me when i left he told me that he went up to his room and cried but i have to wait after New Years to be with him okay there the second guy name is Dennis he is sweet i have been with him longer like three months then he left me for someone else lol i guess it didnt work out so he ran back to me he told me that he is going to come back for me after New Years to pick me up so yeah i am stuck in a pickle two guys are coming to get me Help me out please!!!


You won't be varsity freshman year. Just try for JV and do your best. If you work hard, you will end up where you belong

Lawnmower maintenance question.?

I am going to sharpen my lawnmower blade, so I need to tip my lawnmower on its side to remove the blade. I don't want to flood the engine with gas or oil, but I also don't want to drain it before removing the blade. Is it safe to tip the lawnmower on its side while it is full of fuel and oil? Which way should I tip it? Thanks.

These are the players that I think should be good for the USA basketball?

Jason Kidd, G, Dallas Mavericks; Kobe Bryant, G, LA Lakers; LeBron James, G/F, Cleveland Cavaliers; Carmelo Anthony, F, Denver Nuggets; Dwight Howard, C, Orlando Magic; Amare Stoudemire,C, Phoenix Suns Dwyane Wade, G, Miami Heat; Chris Bosh, F, Toronto Raptors; Chris Paul, G, New Orleans Hornets;Joe Johnson, G/F, Atlanta Hawks Michael Redd, G, Milwaukee Bucks; Carlos Boozer, F, Utah Jazz

Could i be pregnant?

ok i had my periods 3 weeks ago,and i had unprotected the week after....but for the last few days i have been felling very tired and like i am going to get sick all the time?. . .this morning when i woke up i wnet to the toilet and the was a little bit of blood! i shouldnt get my periods untill next week and they are always regular. . and very heavy!..but it was only a little bit? could i be pregnant?....please answer?..tanx..xx

There is something wrong with my body?

every day during my second hour cl [and a little while after] my stomach starts hurting. it also starts gurgling and sounds that make it seem like i'm farting, which i'm not. what do i do? because its not me having to go to the bathroom, i know that. but its embarring so if anyone can help please do :(

My friend told me that if i go outside in the rain on the first monday after the full?

moon in the nude eating a fig bar while humming a beatles song that i will get bit by a vampire and turn into one but im not sure i want to be a vampire do u think i should give it a try?


Hi gal! You know what, feel good about yourself so that people feel good about you, enjoy yourself so that people enjoy you, feel y about yourself and people will see the iness in you. Feel georgous and people will see you georgous. Dont feel sorry for yourself because people will do and get so bored. Guys like confident and happy girls. From your age you still so young and I am 29 years and I have never been single since college!!! Just be happy with yourself, the rest will fit in.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The first date "McGurgles" Survey ~ How do you handle the situation?

Make small talk and then let them know you can smell hell on the horizon and its coming from their lips

Cobalt 60 and mutations?

Does anyone know the name of a company that will irradiate seeds with the isotope Cobalt 60? It doesn't have to be C-60, any gamma source will work. Also, a link to any foreign country will do, as well as college professors or someone in nuclear medicine. One of the little doohickeys they use to inspect welding would also work if you could calculate the 'grey units'. I'd buy the C-60 but Homeland Security wouldn't understand. RScott

Aim help! when someone whose not your friend ims you and you exed out and now you cant see the convo...etc?

if someone ims me while im away and there not on my buddylist, i accidently closed the box and now i cant see what they there anyway i can still see what they said..when i click on there screen name the convo doesnt come up..this is for the newest aim version. Please this is really important(oh and the person who imed me is now offline.)

How often do english footy fans?

jiggle their bells? do all english fans like morris dancing or is it only lipsy the man united fan who likes prozzies?

Will WWE Raw Be Shown On Friday?

I have just been on the wwe website and have seen that smackdown is invading raw because of the volcano eruption. I also know that Triple H is joining the smackdown superstars because he didn't go on the europe tour but i want to know that if smackdown will be shown today then will raw be shown on friday since extreme rules is coming this week.

What are the differrences between the lion,tiger and cheetah?

the diffrence between lion,tiger and cheetah are:Tiger male siberian an average of 10.3 ft (3.15 in length)are the biggest cats of the world.and they are power full then all cats and they are the no 1 cats of the world.the lions are at no 2 position they run fast then tiger but they are no power full then tiger.thec cheetah's are at no 3 position and they are the fastest animals of the world there speed are about 60-63mph (90-95 kph) but they are the lowest power full animal in the big cat.

Breaking Up Response?

Maybe he still liked you, he just diddn't want to show the pain. My boyfriend did that, and told his friend that he still liked me. Just say " thanks you to". I know it may be hard for you, but to be honest after a guy says somthing soooo sweet like he did, they almost like him back again.

Where do I let this dog sleep tonight? (or until we find his owners)?

I posted a question earlier about the chocolate lab I found. I have no knowledge about this breed, but I have had him all day and he is very calm and sweet. I cannot let him sleep in the house because the cats are stressed about it. I cannot let him sleep outside it is cold here in MD. So that leaves the garage (heated). He gets upset when my one old dog leaves the area he is (shep/husky X) and likes to be around him. My dog could take him or leave him. He normally sleeps in the garage on bedding...will it be safe to leave the stray w/ my dog overnight? I feel wary about it. What are the chances of him totally doing a complete turnaround temper-wise?

Can someone help me with a Data Execution Prevention (DEP) issue?

so i'm trying to make a video on my new labtop but my DEP keeps shutting it down, because it's thinking that everytime I try to import a video from my sd card that the file is a virus. So I'm going to shut down the DEP for windows movie maker. problem is, I don't know what the program is called as a file, because it's not written as "windows movie maker". It's some kind of wmm.exe, or something like that. Can someone help me find what windows movie maker's program file is called? Also, it's version 6.0

What defines us as being human? is it our ability to create? to use our reason and intellect? to love?

Yes, to all you listed. I believe what defines us as human is the fact that we were created in the image and likeness of God and all the things you listed are attributes of God. Just my opinion

Care package for a jaw reconstruction patient?

My boyfriend of 5 years is having jaw reconstruction surgery done shortly and I can of course think of a few obvious things to include like cds, movies, crosswords, hand held game and cards for him, but what else can I include? He has to stay in bed for pretty mcuh 2 weeks and he's a real busy body. He's always working on yard work, or on his car or motorcycle (hes a mechanic) and I know being in bed is going to travel him crazy. I am also an hour and a half away, so I won't always be able to be there, what do you suggest?

Should the council go one step further and do away with school meals for fasting periods?

Are they going to tell the local takeaways not to serve them and the corner shops not sell them snacks etc during Ramadan? I have seen them doing it during this period.How the hell can you avoid thoughts?

What happened to Michael Jackson?

No, I'm not referring to his death. Like so many others, I stopped being a huge fan of his of all the bizarre behaviors and disturbing allegations. However, now that he's gone, all I can see is that cute boy in the "beat it" video that I had a crush on and that adorable kid I used to see pictures of. How did his life go so horrible wrong? It' such a tragedy to have seen what his life turned into. I truly hope he's at peace!

Actors that look like characters in the Giver?

Are there any actors out there who look like the characters in the book "The Giver"? There is Jonas, Lilly, Fiona, Asher, Mother, Father, The Giver, Larissa, The Chief Elder, Pierre, and Gabe. Any ideas? (did I forget a character?)

Blue Screen of Death?

My computer randomly flashes a blue screen and shuts off. This happens very frequently. It said something about tcpip.sys and EE53BF1. What do I do to fix it?

Sunday morning in New Zealand with no earthquake on Saturday? End of the world now a failed prophecy?

The Family Radio rapture prediction is already a failed event. New Zealand, according to Harold Camping, had to experience a mive earthquake before midnight on Saturday.

Where can I download Advent children ??

I want to download this movie but I want to use it too on Windows movie maker but I dont know where to download it.. If possible in english so I can see it too but if you know where to download it with a different language please tell me where :D

Shakespeare quotes help...?

go to google and type in shakes bear or however you spell it quotes and youll get all the answers you need or just go to the wikapedia dictonary

Basketball or Football for Popularity?

So I'm getting ready for High School and I'm pretty popular, like there are like 350 people in 8th grade and for popularity i'd be like top 35. But I wanna be more than that. I noticed that all of the really popular kids are in Athletics. So I wanna be too. But the problem is I'm not really sportsy. I don't know what to choose. Should I do Football or Basketball? Football - i'm not sure cause i tried it before and it was a little too rough for me, or basketball - i'm really good at shooting (so good i won the shootout for my school) but i need to work on everything else. So which should I choose? And please don't give me those responses about being yourself and not doing what everyone else is. If I wanted that I would've watched disney channel. So please, what should I choose?!?!?!?

Friday Funnies this week?-The last minute Desperation Sales at the Gloomdome-or they go into admin-it's true?

Even selling the entire first team squad from the Govan Gloomdome wouldn't even raise 15 million for Minty.Anyone agree it's like throwing a deck chair off the deck of the Titanic to stop it from sinking?

My male zebra finch died (accident) leaving behind his mate and 4 week-old chicks; new mate, single parenting?

well help her if she needs help if you cant find a mate for her but she seems like a tough old bird she will make it

Have a read of this please...need opinions! :)?

I admire your wide vocabulary range, but it seems in the beginning that you're either trying too hard to use big words, or that you're a professional. It's really good other than that, though. Continue writing - I have a feeling it'll get you far in life. Maybe you'll become an author. Be confident of what you write because every author has their own special writing style and I think yours will be one of the popular ones among the readers. Just make sure the spelling and grammar is well-checked - I don't think I noticed any grammar mistakes but there were a couple spelling mistakes, like "barley" should be "barely" and if you're not in Great Britain, "recognise" should be "recognize." Hope I helped, and I'll cross my fingers for you! :)

What are do you call those garments with fluffy stuff around the collar?

This is the only example I have:,r:10,s:22&tx=64&ty=74&biw=1152&bih=597

Top 30 Greatest Rock Bands of the 20th Century?

This list is near-perfect. Take out U2 and the Cure. Add The Grateful Dead and KISS. put the Doors in 2nd, The Rolling Stones in 7th, KISS in 14th, The Grateful Dead in 20th, and Elvis Presley in 30th. This list would then be perfect.

For those repubs who thinkm Obama won't be re-elected?

Yup! That`s exactly how I see it too. What Obama is going through is the exact gauntlet Clinton went through. Perhaps he will coach Obama through it for a successful reelection bid?

Meaning of script 5182 wmp co?

Found ring on Capitol Hill in Seattle. Don't know what it means...& I'm getting no where with finding out-real fast.

How are you suppose to respond to this question: ARE YOU A VIRGIN ?

Keep telling them it's none of their business. It amazes me that people would ask someone such a personal question. If you get the answer ' I'll take that as a yes' reply, 'Take it whatever way you like' and walk away. The trick is not to let these annoying nosy parkers get to you- remember that they are immature.

Help with Da Vinci Code Paper?

I need to know differences between the book and the movie and if at all possible a historical event that happened in the movie or the book.

Ten easy points if you gimme some help here?

ok im in high school (i wont say what grade) but the first day of school was two weeks ago and i had just got done talkin to one of my friends and we went to seperate homerooms. a girl that i always found pretty and attractive and nice saw me and seemed excited and asked for a hug so i gave her one. thats when i realised that i was in love with her. so, over the next two weeks i talked to her as much as i could and started being friends with her and when i was just gettin ready to start flirting with her to let her know i was interested, a friend of mine went up and asked her out for me before i was ready. (i had wanted to talk to her more first and ask her out in person) she said no. so, i was feeling down and a friend of mine that is a girl (nothing going on with us were just friends and she has a bf) who has known me for along time asked me what was wrong so i eventualy told her. she said it probably wasnt my fault because the girl i asked out didnt want a bf at the time and that i might still have a chance with her if a back out for awhile and start to be friends with her and eventually ask her out again when shes availiable, but i wanted to know some other peoples opinions. i asked a few of my friends and they agreed but i still want to know what other people think. so, is it too late?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Can someone please answer this!!!!?

Who's right in this situation. My gf and I (I'm a girl) had a HUGE blow out over something that we argue about always. She's a feminist. I hate them. But I love her. She says that women should use the words pu$$y and cu.....nt freely. I told her that those words offend me and traumatize me badly, and she said "well, you need to step out of your comfort zone." she started undermining me saying that my feelings were taught, and that me being hurt by those words isn't real. I told her why and she said "See, man made you feel bad about ur parts." I told her that I just don't like those words because they used to make me cry as a kid (I had to go to therapy as a result...other stuff). Anyway, who is wrong? Am I being stubborn? Or does she have a point?

Christians and Atheists: Why did Adolf Hitler hated the Jews so much and killed them by milions?

Hitler used catholic faith which was antisemitic,hitler himself said he would be a catholic till his death.Look at those whom he killed 6 million jews,about 5million slavs who were orthodox(traditional enemies of catholics).Only reason he didnt kill evangelicals/protestants was because during his time they were a majority 62% whose support was nescessary for his regime.Those evangelicals who tried to oppose his anti-jewish acts were killed.Catholic vatican (jesuits) secretly conspired in founding communism and USSR,to destroy orthodox religion and are responsible for killing of about 30 million people in USSR,most of them orthodox christians.Jesuit controled freemasons founded USA to overthrow evangelical power of american colonies.Later jesuits initiated civilwar and suffragist feminist movments to cause further chaos in protestantism,why is protestantism dying out today in traditional protestant nations its the outworking of catholic conspiracy.Know your real enemy its VATICAN-DESTROY IT NOW,So that it wont drink the blood of innocent people.The fact that none has shown the courage to destroy such a corrupt institution has led to the rise of atheism in the west!Also search google for vatican created islam,i dont know if its true,but its possible.World wake up from your slumber and destroy the corrupt institution of vatican,and catholicism.

What is causing this pain ?

Im asking this question for my mom. A half hour ago all of a sudden she got a very extreme pain in her ovaries and still has it now. She says that it the pain is constant and feels like Intense labor pains, she had 2 children and it never hurt as much as this. When it first started she was in cold sweat and crying because of the pain. Now she cant move because of the pain and is laying in bed with a heating pad on her trying to relive the pain. She wants to know what is causing this pain, and should she go to emergency room. Also she is in menopause and stopped having periods last month

Is my crush trying to get me jealous?

ok well yesterday i was hanging out... i dnt know y right when my crush sees me he starts kissin his girlfriend then looks at me. he even sat on his girlfriend to see my face from a distance nd stare? everytime im near him my friends r like so what u doin he says oh just took my girlfriend home[: or like when he used my phone he was like oh this is urs? dnt call my girlfdriend back pls. i said oh god then he just copied what i said? he haves a habit at starin ALOT but when im upclose he will avoid contact nd not say a word...hes been wit his girlfriend for 2 years but when i see him hes not wit her really. besides yesterday... also he dnt know i like him.. i think its weird cus at times il catch his eye nd when im walkin by him i see from the side hes starin at my face right in my eyes. do u think he likes me nd is tryin to get me jealous??

Please HELP me cant get my kids to sleep?

Okay so i have a 15 month old and my daughter will be two sunday. and well i cant get them to sleep in there bed tru the night. My daughter was sent to the nurologist (because she walks on her tiptoes) and well he asked about it and i told him he gave her melatonin ( probably spelled wrong) and it suppose to help her sleep well i give it to both they do go to sleep about 30-45 min after i give it to them then ina hr or two they wake up and go to my bed to sleep with my and my husband then they fall asleep and i take them back later they come back and this is the whole night till i give up and let them sleep with us cuz im so tiered and have taken them to there bed about 3 or 4 times. What can i do anyone had a problem like this please help me.

What is the phenotype of a chicken with the genotype FB FW?

The question appears incomplete. You need to know which gene is dominant and which is recessive. The phenotype will match the dominant gene in most cases.

What gases affect the ozone layer? - Detailed answer please but not too confusing!?

Chloro-fluoro hydrocarbons. Not CS gas. The gases concerned are relatively simple molecules of hydro carbons in which some of the hydrogen has been replaced by fluorine and/or chlorine. They were widely used as refrigerants and in fire extinguishers.

I just got my bellyon pierced and it..?

Definitely. They just stuck a really sharp needle through your skin, of course it's going to feel sore after wards. I got mine done 4 weeks ago and it's still a bit sore every once in a while, but not as bad as before. I can lie on my stomach. So in about a few weeks, it should feel a lot better.

Why wont he talk to me????????????????????????????…

i dont even no wat i did al of a sudden he wont say anything to me then when my friend asked him why he said he didnt no i think its a crock of bull s**t but idk no i only talked to him a couple days a week and it doesnt help that we go to seperate schools but at first he would talk to me every time i signed on but now he wont even say hi or anything i am so confused can any one shed any light on this situation? please any suggestions would be accepted

I am totally nervous and worried?

i cant answer you. but you are a real man. and a lot of people need to be more like you. i know a lot of guys that would take off right when they found out the gf was prego. so dude, you have my full respect. your girl is really lucky to have a guy like you.

Got a new brain teaser. Ready?

All of them made it. They dropped the fish, the bear stopped to eat an easily caught meal, and no human was harmed. A bear, given the choice of having to go after prey that was fighting and/or running and a meal that was just waiting to be eaten would take the ready-made one. In addition, even a Grizzly bear, given a choice under normal cirstances will avoid humans. It was obvious, to me, that it was following the scent of the fish and went for that when the fish were dropped.

What happens because of this?

I was making an online payment and instead of typing the 149.00 I typed 1049.00. The payment went through and was already withdrawn. Is there anyway I can fix this? It was just a typo!

Can you get sued if you just posted a comment on facebook about a government official?

No. Public officials, movie stars have diminished privacy rights. And if you are only restating what is already common knowlege and not making up something about extra terrestrial love trysts there is no harm.

DEBATING: Chivalry is dead teamline anyone??

well this tuesday is the debating final and the topic is that "Chivalry is dead" we are on the affirmative and believe that it is dead. I was really hoping that anyone could come up with a witty or a normal teamline for me also teamlines are like a saying that you state at the end of the speech but any way PLZ HELP ME!!

How would u rate my fantasy football team?

First of all, drop a QB and pick up the best RB available. There is NEVER a need for 3 qbs. When there is a RB/WR slot available 99 percent of the time use a RB as they get more points. Drop your backup TE and get a RB, also. I wish I could see which RBs are available in your league, so I could help you pick 2. Good luck!

Impossible Answer?

first of all, you can't find a mathematical formula to win the lottery, or even increase your odds of winning to any noticeable degree. second of all, if you put fourth this effort to winning the lottery to something else, you'd have money.

Were the disasters of the 20th century due to the triumph of secular ethics?

YES. The two world wars, purges of Lenin and Stalin, the Holocaust, the killing fields, the cold war (including the Korean and Vietnam wars) and empty consumerism were the fault of secular ethics. Only when America became more religious (starting in the 1980s with Ronald Reagan and the silent revolution) did we win the cold war and put all of this crap behind us.

Can you give me some youtube username ideas for a channel with skits?

I am kerry and by bro is cory and he wants to do skits on a channel.Please give me some usernames that involve the word skit(s).It is also supposed to be a comedy channel.

My driving license issued by RTO Bombay, which expired, and i need to renew it, i am from kerala.?

Currently I am working in Kuwait, i want to drive when i go on leave. no more contacts with Bombay. Can I renew it in Kerala?

What graphics card will fit in my computer?

I would rate it as "Not possible." If this is what you have: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a , it's a laptop. With very rare exception (e.g., $4000 Alienware laptops) there is no way to upgrade the graphics on a laptop. The graphics chip is soldered to the motherboard and unlike desktop machines there are no standard PCI-Express slots in which to plug a new graphics card. If you want better graphics .. buy a new laptop.

I am goin to usa to do my MS/PHD.I want to know what will be the tuition fees for ms and phd .?

So iwant to know what will be the tuition fees for ms and for phd. How much scholarship is given to M.S. and phd students.Whats is the tuition fees PHD program .what are the various career paths in which one may can go after doing his PHD from usa.

Did anyone's family get those novelty Christmas stockings?

I saw a trio of stockings at Spencer Gifts. The largest stocking was mive and said "Gift and Well-Behaved Child", the second stocking was a normal sized Christmas stocking and said "Not a Bad Kid", and the third stocking was a tiny one that said "Little ".

Melbourne private girls school uniform style tips?

thats awesome that you get all those choices.. and personally I would have the whole collection so that I can change up styles on a daily basis

There are some things that I wish people would tell me about prior to me actually doing it...?

One of them being : I sure wish people would tell me that if you leave oatmeal (and fruity pebbles) in the bowl or a spec on the countertop it creates a paste that when hardened is nearly impossible to get off. Anything you wish someone had told you before you discovered it yourself?

Proffesional Bartenders: What is considered the required list of drinks?

This is still the base of tails it is sufficient but it never hurts to know more and not just tails, for example jagerbombs

What is a PJ file please help?

and why am I seeing the words pj file exe at the bottom line of computer when I click on my yahoo mail in box. Is this spyware or ok? I have done nothing different.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fantasy Trade advice.?

i wouldnt do it, as bad as jones is portis has looked awful as well and moss has played better then housh though

What modeling schools are rip offs?

yea so i got this call from barbizon and now they interviewed me today. the thing is i get this feelings it is a scam and i dont want to do it now.( im seeing it all over the internet) and i dont wnat to spend money on modeling and get nothing back, because i really need money for college. can you please tell me the schools i shouldn't look forward to, and the schools that are worth the money? thanx

Roasted vegetables............?

Roasted vegetables are excellent and there are a number that are perfect for this cooking method--cauliflower, brussels sprouts, ernut squash, parsnips, etc. Really, any root vegetable or any cruciferous vegetable will work.

How do i get the old yahoo home page back?

and just so you know i'm computer illiterate so don't know how to erase cookies or anything like

Alot of shirts ?!??!!?!?!?!?

there's nothing wrong with a 30 year old metal head (though i myself am 16 as well haha), metal's dying and no, you should keep each of those shirts haha unless you want to send me some of those Cradle shirts

How much can I get for these Yu-Gi-Oh cards?

You goota check ebay, useless cards like silver fang are completely worthless, anythign that is decent can be sold, blue eyes, paladin, serpent night arent great and wont sell for much if anything, if you have all the exodia set, you can get mayber 20 or w/e, gotta check ebay or something for price

Post Surgery Uncontrollable Urine?

About 6 months ago my male Terrier got diagnosed with a bladder stone. We couldnt afford things at the time, so we had a charity vet do it for us. We took great care of him after surgery and if anything seemed wrong we went to the vet for check ups. He is doing great, very energetic. But I have noticed when laying down, he uncontrollably pees. I usually let him snuggle with me at night but now I wake up with urine stains all over my bed. He doesn't mean to do it. I take him on multiple daily walks. I don't know how to fix it other then doggie diapers. Is there any permanent way to fix it. (He doesn't seem to notice at all when he urinates. Just a puddles when he gets up)

Fox News Backing Off On GOP?

Watching Fox News Bill O'Reilly now and he is making a case for the new majority house to to wiggle out of their "Pledge To America" promises. He even has Morris to help make his case. 1) 100 Billion cut in budget 1st year? 2) Symbolic vote to repeal Health Care Reform? 3) Tea Party mandates too far right to push? 4) Morris pushing yet another book?

Poll:what celebreity would you love to meet?

I'd pick hugh jackman,red hot chili peppers,weezer,fall out boy,pete wentz,justin timberlake,etc.what about you?

What can be done about the exorbitant fines and court costs in Cook County Illinois?

I received a speeding ticket in Oct of 2009. If I would have paid the violation by mail it would have been 75$. Because i felt the ticket was unwarranted I chose to go to court in rolling meadows and plead not guilty. I noticed that most people who were in court that same day payed around 155$ if they pleaded guilty. The judge reduced their fine from 75 to 25 and then added the 135$ court cost to it so 25 + 135 = 155$. Basically they paid double the original fine. Me and the one other person that pleaded not guilty were set aside and then came back to later. I was found guilty by the judge and my fine was totaled at 200$ + 135$ (court costs) = 335$!!!!!! that is almost 5 times the original amount of the ticket. Why??? Because i plead not guilty and chose to use my right to a trial. The only other guy who chose to state his case also walked out with a 335$ total. Unbelievable!!! I have no qualm with paying a fine but 5 times the ticket amount, COME ON!! The constitution gave each of us the right to a trial. but it now looks like we have to pay out the ears for this right. Whom can I notify about this travesty??? Has anybody else felt that the legal system in Illinois is exploiting our rights?? Do I write a state representative or someone more local??? I really think something needs to be done, it seems that they want a nice tidy system where every fine is paid by mail and there will be no disputing anything. Our rights are being undermined by the greed of the system and everyone it employs.

What kind of symbolic meaning is there if a character in a novel is obese?

The character moved from Mexico to the United States and doesn't speak any English. She is very overweight and people in the town start rumors that she doesn't leave her apartment because she is to fat. She doesn't like being in the United States because she loves Mexico and its culture. She is only in the U.S. for her husband. What could her obesity say about her symbolically?

A person interested in studying crossingover during meiosis in ferns prepared microscope slides of an archegon?

A person interested in studying crossingover during meiosis in ferns prepared microscope slides of an archegoniumand antheridium at different stages of development. Why will this study fail?

Did Michele Bachmann learn to develop a love of government handouts living on a commune in Israel?

Do you even have the slightest clue what you are talking about?? She gained experience and knowledge that you'll never know with your attitude.

Do you think todays music is getting better or worse?

i think that rap and pop are WAYYYYYYYY overated!!!! but you put any rock, punk, metal, screamo, punk-rock, or alternative rock from any age i'll most certinatly head bang to it (if i don't already have a concution)^_^

How do you pray to the Greek gods?

You don't have to pray to them. You walk up to Mt. Olympus and talk with them. Don't forget the wine and cheese and for Zeus' sake, bring a giro.

Gravity and projectile question.?

the probable reason for such motion for the projectile would be simple harmonic motion, becasue earth's gravity acts as the restoring force maintaing the motion.

Music Biz - The Band Behind the Singer?

When you see all these new emerging solo artists where do they find the people to play the instrumentals? Like the band behind kelly clarkson...where do they come from, and how does one get a job like that? ty

About writing books?

I used some software but that was only to organize my thoughts. It was called NewNovelist. It worked for me for a bit then I thought it was much more convenient for me to buy a hardcover writing book so I can jot down my ideas and whatnot whenever and where ever without having to worry about being by my computer.

Factoring a polynomial?

Im trying to factor the following: 2x^2-x-28 it is part of a bigger problem which I already completed. plz hlp

What does simile mean?

A simile is a figure of speech comparing two unlike things, often using "like" or "as." An example would be: She's as white as a ghost.

Are Saudi Women As Beautiful As Lebanese Women?

Everyone says that Lebanese women are the most beautiful of the entire Arab world and that the royal family even imports them into the country to marry, but I can't believe that Saudi Arabia wouldn't have women that were just as beautiful. Are there women in Saudi Arabia that are as beautiful as Lebanese women?

What does this quote mean?

It means that people always understand when they are doing wrong to others but they probably won't feel grief for such actions until they are dying. I think its suggesting that God helps people to feel the pain they have caused others before they die so they will ask for forgiveness and go to heaven instead of hell. I'm not Christian but thats a brilliant quote.